Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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Dave Nezzie wrote an interesting opinion piece for Food Safety News which points out that Navajo food taboos are stricter than current US food laws and posits that they might be better at keeping you away from pathogens. Avoiding lizard meat sounds easy, but I’ll probably have trouble with the restrictions on beef and chicken.
Jambo Cafe, the hip favorite of Santa Fe’s African/Caribbean-lovers, has taken to the streets in its very own food truck, dubbed Jambo Hapa (Swahili for “here”). The truck made its debut in the parking lot of Whole Foods on W. Cordova last Sunday.
Ever laugh at the “serving size” on the back of your soda bottle? Looks like someone heard you. On May 20, the FDA announced a change to those familiar black and white labels on the backs of food packages. Expect to see the nutritional facts about the whole container, updated wording and added information.