Food News: Bite-Sized Edition

Our Monthly News Buffet

Nora Hickey
3 min read
Bite-sized Edition
(Photo: Brent Moore via Flickr CC)
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Scientists recommend: Eat tacos for a healthy life

A new study shows that the nutritional value of tacos and flautas is much higher than the general public thinks. Chemists at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla meticulously detailed the steps taken to determine what exactly makes up a taco. First, the researchers bought the goods: tacos al pastor and flautas de Cochinita pibil from local street vendors in San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, a municipality in Central Mexico. The group resisted the temptation to eat their fare and deposited the taco and flauta into immersion blenders. From the resulting mush, the team was able to analyze the foods’ specific contents. Nearly half of the taco was made up of water (42 percent) with protein at 21 percent, carbs at 24 percent and grease at 12 percent. The flauta showed similar properties, with less protein and more carbs. These amounts show the subjects to be healthier than donuts, chips and some protein bars. However, the authors of the subsequent article don’t suggest eating only Mexican food, but point out that “the key resides in controlling the quantity and frequency of eating these types of meals.” Their recommendation: three tacos al pastor or four flatuas de Cochinita pibil per order. Finally proof that there’s more than vibrant flavors wrapped in these Mexican treasures.

Marble Brewery is tapped out in current Santa Fe home

As of Dec. 28, Santa Feans seeking the thirst quenching effects of a
Marble brew will have to head south to their Albuquerque location. After four years in a prime spot overlooking the plaza, Marble will have to shut down the suds due to a loss of lease. Curiously the building’s owner, Gerald Peters, has a family connection to the New Mexican brewery: Peters’ sons are two of the five partners who oversee Marble operations. Brewer and co-founder Ted Rice and his Marble partners are discussing the possibility of moving across the plaza to a new, pricey place. If the Marble group and the potential leaser can come to an agreement, the City Different can continue to enjoy the house beers and seasonal specials they’ve come to keg-stand for.

Legislators debate food tax

A controversial food tax might be reinstated as a result of complicated politicking in cities and municipalities around New Mexico. Bringing back the food tax idea received a warm welcome from most municipal leaders around the state, according to the New Mexico Municipal League. The individual leaders are not identified, and none have come forward with comments. But the “nearly unanimous” support from New Mexico cities arises from a need to recover money from the eventual loss of a state tax subsidy. The “Hold-Harmless Act,” which provides annual stipends to local governments for agreeing to waive sales tax on food, medicine and medical services, will begin phasing out in July 2015. In order to recoup dollars, the newly proposed tax package would allow a tax hike of up to 0.375 percent. Since the state’s food tax was repealed in 2004, discussion surrounding it has been heated. Currently the tax will continue to face resistance, both from Gov. Martinez and groups that advocate for lower-income residents. As opposition heats up, the public will just have to wait to see if their green chile budget will need to be recalculated.

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