Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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Dennis Apodaca, the famous chef at Eli’s Place, has been picked to star in an episode of “Chopped,” one of those “mystery ingredient” Food Network cooking competition shows. He’ll go up against three other chefs for a chance at $10,000 and some nationwide facetime. Apodaca is heading to New York in August to film.
The US 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Hatch Chile Association and El Encanto to subpoena records proving the source of Hatch Chile Company’s chiles. In other words: “Hatch Chile Company’s chiles probably aren’t all from Hatch.” Phew. Say that three times fast.
ABQ’s very own, fastest-growing pizza chain is at it again. Dion’s is opening their second location in Las Cruces. That makes a grand total of 22 stores. If it weren’t for that amazing (off-menu) Margherita pizza of theirs, I’d be nursing some pretty accusatory conspiracy theories right now. (What if they’re expanding throughout the Southwest as part of a violent, land-razing coup? What if the entire world becomes a pizza police state, and everywhere you look are those mind-bogglingly long drive-through lines?) It’s probably just the good pizza, though.