Pumpkins Are For Kids

But "Winter Squashes" Are For Grown-Ups With A Taste For Latin-American Fare

Gwyneth Doland
1 min read
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Halloween brings pumpkins into grocery stores by the truck-load. Sadly, most of us buy these big fat squashes, put them out on the stoop (carved if we're feeling creative) and then let them rot out there for weeks, until the once fearsome face droops and sags and develops a waddle to rival a Thanksgiving turkey. If you've got an un-carved pumpkin or even just pumpkin seeds left over after Halloween then have a look at these warm and cozy fall dishes adapted from Elisabeth Luard's new book, The Latin American Kitchen (Laurel Glen, hardcover, $27.95). It's a gorgeous volume full of descriptions of the most common Latin American ingredients and full-color photographs—a must-have.

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