An Hy Quan (1405 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE #4405) is truly unlike anywhere else I have ever eaten. With a diverse menu and the ability to replicate traditional Vietnamese dishes with no meat or animal byproducts, there is something intangibly wonderful about eating there. It doesn’t have that earthy, Birkenstock vibe that can be a turn-off to some when breaking out of their comfort zone while dining out, instead opting for a traditional Vietnamese vibe. I cannot overstate how much I love eating here, especially their pho, which is somehow all vegan yet tastes as good, if not better, than some pho at other places in this city. I cannot overstate how good this food is, and this is coming from arguably one of the most impassioned carnivores this side of the Mississippi. Take a moment and treat yourself to something that is so impossibly good, you’ll genuinely consider giving up meat to always eat this healthy and clean.