I received a wonderful letter from Susan S., a reader who loves the food section (hey, thanks again for that, Susan!) She mentioned that she enjoyed the curry recommendations last week, as she had made it at home herself recently. Included with that was the whole dish in and of itself and how to make it, using “Trader Joe’s Thai Green Curry Simmer Sauce and this time adding shrimp, quartered Campari tomatoes, and segments of sweet Vidalias with whole fresh basil leaves on basmati rice.” Her suggestion, should I choose to accept it, was to make a call to action to you, our lovely audience of readers, to pass on your suggestions for hidden gems at the grocery store that should be getting a lot more love than they currently are. So there it is. Is there a dish you love to make that requires something unique or different from the store that people don’t expect? Let me know about it! Write a letter to the Weekly Alibi, email me at danp@alibi.com or send it to us via the staff contact form at alibi.com and I’ll include the best ones next week! Many of us have a ton of creative cooking styles that we rarely get to show off, so now’s your chance to be heard and share that hidden recipe that could be life-changing for others. I look forward to seeing the creativity coming through from everyone.
Weekly Specials: Dishing On Dinner Dishing On Dinner
Too juicy for some people to handlePixnio
I guess it isn’t fair to ask for your recomendations without offering one of my own. Mine’s a simple one, though it doesn’t require a secret ingredient hidden on the shelves. Mine’s the way I cook my steaks, quick and easy. Any cut of steak will typically work, but I prefer the New York strip or a ribeye. When the steak is room temperature (for an even cook), generously season it with a heavy salt and freshly ground pepper. I cook in a cast iron skillet, typically with olive oil, and once it’s reached an even high heat, I lay it in (away from you, to avoid oil burns) and get started on the magic. First, I toss in a couple pats of butter. This helps keep the steak moist and juicy. Then, into the now melted butter, I toss a few sprigs of rosemary and thyme. Finally, a few cloves of garlic, one on top and a few in the butter. Don’t forget to crack them open before doing so, in order to get that good garlic flavor. Use that butter and baste the steak repeatedly with it, and after a little bit of time (typically enough for the cast iron to let go of the steak), flip the steak and get the other side cooking. I go medium rare, and work purely off of touch, so once you get your desired cook temperature, pull it out, layer on more of that buttered oil and herb mix while it rests, and don’t touch it for about seven minutes. Once it’s fully rested, dig in. I promise you, this steak will change your life.