Just a small sampling of the selection at Sixty-Six Acres
(Dan Pennington)
It’s Beer Week here in Albuquerque, but maybe you’re not the type to be down with beer. Maybe you find it too heavy, or not suited to your refined palate. Well, we don’t want you to miss out on the fun of drinking all week long, so here are a couple recommendations to keep you on the path to hurting your liver the right way, without all for hunting for the right beer to fit your style. Let’s get to it, you rebels!
Weekly Specials: The Password Matters The Password Matters
Founders (622 Central Ave. NW) is a speakeasy we’ve talked about before. But now they’re in full operation compared to when we first visited and have really ramped up the style. With a full menu in place and ready to roll, you can try some of their fascinating takes on drinks with a local twist. For example, their new green chile margarita is sure to become a cornerstone of the craft cocktail scene once word gets out, so be the first of your peer group to try it so you can have bragging rights later. Don’t forget, you have to visit their website to get the password, otherwise you won’t get to enter.
Weekly Specials: Who Gave Jefferson An Ocean? Who Gave Jefferson An Ocean?
O’Niell’s Pub (4310 Central Ave. SE) has long been a part of the local drinking scene, as evidenced by their bar full of old timers who know it’s the best place to get their drinks made the way they like. But recently they’ve been upping the ante so to speak and expanding their drink menu to include rarer selections and more adventurous alcohols. Currently, you can buy your own personal bottle of Jefferson’s Ocean, a bourbon that was aged at sea, from O’Niell’s own personal barrel. How often do you get to walk into a bar and have a bottle that really does have your name on it? Make that dream a reality and enjoy your own personal stash.
Weekly Specials: 66, But Not Route. 66, But Not Route.
Just a small sampling of the selection at Sixty-Six AcresDan Pennington
Sixty-Six Acres (2400 12th Street NW) is still fairly new to the scene, but it is not a bar to miss out on. The stock of liquor behind the bar is a step away from the usual, with a focus on locally distilled products. My personal favorite that they carry is the Taos Lightning bourbon whiskey, which has a bit of that New Mexico flair to it that makes it stand out from a traditional bourbon. Not just a bar, they also feature some amazing food that helps give them an identity all their own, standing among giants in the food industry as a high-end restaurant. Whatever your needs for the week are, you’ll find something to hit that sweet spot at Sixty-Six Acres.