Weekly Specials: Please Sir, May I Have Some More (Events)?

Dan Pennington
4 min read
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Let’s be honest: With every holiday possible happening in the next three weeks, people are buckling down to get ready for the big days. We’re looking really tight on events this week, and honestly, I wish I had more for you. So let’s celebrate these three that are pretty awesome for soldiering forward during the crazy season, for giving us a reason to leave the house. We all need a good excuse to stop wrapping presents and staring at the mounting list of chores and tasks that need to be done that slowly begins to encompass our every waking moment as we hurtle faster and faster towards the end of the year until we start the cycle all over again. Oh goodness, that was my seasonal stress talking! Ignore all that, let’s cheer ourselves up with some fun events instead!

Weekly Specials Cupping Together

Red Rock Roasters (4801 Jefferson St. NE) is hosting the Single Origin Cupping event on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10am until 11:30am. If you follow the section, you’ll know we here at Weekly Alibi love coffee, and the careful science that goes into making it perfect at every sip. This is where cupping comes in. Cupping is the industry standard method for evaluating coffee, and it’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the similarities and differences between coffee origins. This is a great way to learn more about coffee and the industry and is also Red Rock Roasters’ final event for the year. For the low cost of $10, you’ll get to attend the cupping class plus you’ll go home with a 12-ounce bag of coffee. So, stock up for the winter, get a little knowledge and help support local roasters. For more information, call 883-1175.

Weekly Specials Healthy And Tasty

We don’t ever need healthy desserts, but wouldn’t it be nice to make one area of your eating habits not a stressor as we move into the New Year? Scher Center for Well Being (1602 Fourth Street NW, Santa Fe) is here to help with their Healthy Holiday Desserts class, happening on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 6pm. For $5 a person, you’ll get to listen to Dr. Itamar, who will be leading the class through some amazing delicious, delectable and healthy creations. There will be samples included, so don’t be afraid to come a little hungry, to ensure you have enough room left to try everything, twice if they’ll let you. Even better, you get to take some recipes home with you, allowing you to be on the ball with your dessert game at your next gathering. To learn more, call 989-9373. This event is listed as “space limited,” so lock your spot in as quick as you can.

Weekly Specials To Hell With Tradition

Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm (4803 Rio Grande Blvd. NW) is hosting Los Poblanos Dining Series | Traditions Reimagined on Thursday, Dec. 12 from 6pm to 9pm. Featuring Executive Chef Jonathan Perno, resident Sommelier Dylan Storment and the culinary team of Los Poblanos, the theme of the night will be a local year in review. Highlighting the best of the best from all around the state, the dinner will focus on reimagined takes of holiday favorites. Look for rustic recipes to be redone in extraordinary ways, and inventive creativity to take the driver’s seat. All five courses will be paired with wine, so have no fear about your drink needs. Tickets are currently on sale for $125 and can be found at lospoblanos.ticketleap.com. For any other information on the event, call them at 344-9297.
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