Aural Fixation: Millionaires Offer Sex, Drugs And Rap Pop

Sex, Drugs And Rap Pop

Clifford Grindstaff
2 min read
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It’s not official, but the zombie apocalypse is upon us. Face eating is rampant. It’s only a matter of time before full bodies are consumed. Music for zombies is just a voice slowly saying "brains" over and over. Those of us who are fighting need a different soundtrack. Stock rock and roll with crunchy guitar riffs might be the obvious choice. Bon Jovi’s “Blaze of Glory” plays while we shoot invading hordes and protect our family’s gray matter.

There will, however, be those unprepared, unable or unwilling to fight. Some will be old and helpless. Some will not give up flip-flops, vastly limiting their mobility. There may also be others who just want to party and make sweet love until consumed. For them, the music of the
Millionaires provides the perfect ambience. There is no future in their songs. The hedonistic now is all we have. We’re all gonna die, so just pass the Four Loko already.

Sisters Melissa Marie and Allison Green make up Millionaires, and on Tuesday the Launchpad will host these good-timing Huntington Beach, Calif. musicians. The duo’s bratty flow is accompanied by raunchy dance moves with lots of bending over and simulated fellatio. Lyrics about sex, alcohol, haters and freaks lie on a bed of electronic dance beats with catchy, yet somewhat predictable, keyboard lines. The surprises will not come from the stage, but later, in slowly recalling what you did after having too much to drink. Remember, it’s all about you.

Some will decry the blatant devil-may-care attitude and unhealthy activities espoused by the Millionaires and the group’s ilk. That’s because they are jerks who like to tell others how to live. Self-destruction can be high art, like in
Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano. Millionaires may be high art to future generations, with a class in crunk history required for all English majors. Then again, we might not make it that far if we keep eating each other.


with Nathan Ryan and Tropical Girls

Tuesday, July 17, 8 p.m.


618 Central SW

Tickets: $12, 13+


Like, OMG, the bath salts are peaking.

Celina Kenyon

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