Black Maria

With Orange Goblin And Lamont

Michael Henningsen
2 min read
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Tuesday, May 11; Burt's Tiki Lounge: I fucking hate it when bands go on late. After all, I do have a day job. But I also fucking love it when bands that go on late make having done so thoroughly worthwhile for the audience. Such was the case this night when Black Maria didn't hit the stage at Burt's until after 11 p.m., despite the fact that there were two bands to follow.

The only band in town who pack a stage with more gear than Black Maria are Simple., but unlike Simple., Black Maria don't give two shits about the nuance a Matchless Chieftain adds to a guitar sound. All they're interested in is smashing your brain canister to smithereens with a couple of Mesa Boogie Rectifiers and no less than 30 individual speakers blaring all at once.

Their set was exceptionally tight coming off a not-so-tight set three nights earlier at the Launchpad, and Black Maria made a strong case for themselves as Albuquerque's reigning heavy band, even alongside British stoner rock icons, Orange Goblin.

The OG boys pulled off an impressive assault, making Burt's feel almost like the Dingo Bar of days gone by. Lamont, frankly, bored me, so I spent most of their set next door at the Atomic Cantina listening to bad karaoke, which was also boring, but at least funny.

I'm happy to say that it was our own Black Maria who stole the evening, but you should put Orange Goblin on your list of bands whose records you should buy immediately.

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