Four Up: Saying Yes To Electro-Pop, Sludge And Glo-Fi

Say Yes To The Fest

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Saying “no” can be a revolutionary act. Cancel a date with a psychic vampire or refuse to accept less than you deserve. But once you’ve cast aside that toxic fanger or low bid, what’s a guy or gal to do? As far as this week goes, I have the answer. Goathead Record Collective is a local DIY force of nature that rivals its namesake—those spiny terrors that conjure a cacophony of expletives in Burque summertime—in qualities like hardiness and stubborn pursuit of cross-pollination and coaxing sound in the high desert. The collective hosts its five-day Yes Fest at two DIY venues, The Wagon Wheel (310 Stanford SE) and The Bungalow (2101 Silver SE), from Thursday, June 12, through Tuesday, June 17. For a full list of performers, visit A festival pass—in the form of a button—costs $10.

Four Up Berliner Electro-Pop

De/Vision Courtesy of artist
On June 26, 1963, John F. Kennedy proudly proclaimed himself a jelly donut to a crowd of Germans. Okay, it was merely a misplaced “ein,” and the people totally knew what he meant. But you won’t have to deal with any translation-related issues at Berliner electro-pop duo De/Vision ’s gig at Low Spirits (2823 Second Street NW) on Friday, June 13. Most of their lyrics are in English, and even when they’re not, this band is so ridiculously tight that you’ll be too busy swaying and arm-dancing to care what they’re singing. De/Vision has been doin’ this thing for 26 years, and that fact becomes obvious when you hear ’em. This 21-plus dance party revs up at 9pm, and tickets are $12. Diverje, Nexus Elementa and DJ Suspence open. Pro-tip: Fishnet armwarmers stay cool and look hot.

Four Up Southern Lord Sludge

Black Cobra Courtesy of artist
If you’re a regular reader, you’re probably sick of my plaintive references to the importance of hearing protection. But seriously, y’all, don’t you want to be able to hear the metal shows you attend in your golden years? The perfect opportunity to practice what I preach happens on Saturday, June 14, at Sister (407 Central NW) when Bay Area sludge-n-doom duo Black Cobra unleashes its aural venom on Burque. Opening act Tenderizor is no slouch when it comes to blistering eardrums, and in this writer’s opinion, Steve Hammond’s heavy metal vox are unparalleled. This 21-plus shouldn’t-miss gig screeches to life at 9pm. Presale tickets are only $5. So buy your tickets early, and spend the remainder on—that’s right—hearing protection.

Four Up Glo-Fi From The Bay

Blackbird Blackbird Courtesy of artist
I’m not trying to sound all hipster my-favorite-band-doesn’t-even-exist-yet … But when I first discovered Blackbird Blackbird —tips hat to Joe Cardillo—San Franciscan chillwave/glo-fi/electro wünderkind Mikey Maramag didn’t have the massive fan base or the blogosphere acclaim, but he had the soul of an artist, and some of his first recordings are still close to my blackety-black heart. Over the past four years, Maramag’s creations as Blackbird Blackbird have been prolific in output and mind-blowing in quality. Touring in support of his latest full-length Tangerine Sky , Maramag brings his electro-genius to Sister (407 Central NW) on Thursday, June 19. This 21-plus danceathon starts spinning ’round at 9pm, and tickets are $12. Locals YOU and Jonny Stunka open.

Goathead Record Collective


Courtesy of artist

Black Cobra

Courtesy of artist

Blackbird Blackbird

Courtesy of artist

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