
Unique Local Band Releases Stonebaby And Makes A Few Friends In The Process

Jenny Gamble
2 min read
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A few things run through your mind when you watch Marsupious climb on stage. Namely, why is the drummer building a jungle gym out of his rack mounts? And where’s the guitar player?

Just a year-and-a-half old, Marsupious is made up of a bass player, a drummer and a vocalist. That’s it. Lead vocalist Jeffrey Holland explains, “You have these moments in life when you can say everything is as it should be, and that’s why this project is picking up speed. We never really thought that we were lacking anything without a guitar player.”

The band says they’re influenced by bands like Primus, Tool, The Melvins and Pink Floyd, with a resulting sound that lies somewhere between Morphine and Radiohead.

Bass player Joseph Michel is a melody man, he says, redefining what the bass guitar can really do. “I write the music and I present it to the band and let them come up with their prospective parts. There is never a doubt that the guys are going to be on the same page. It’s mainly personal experience that inspires the music for me and people can take it as they will.”

Drummer Dave Barela is solid in his musical approach and attributes much of his precision to Joe’s bass. “Joe and I have been jamming together for a long time—our chemistry is so good. Everything Joe brings to the table pushes me to become a better player."

Adding the last point to this powerful three-piece is Jeffrey Holland’s voice, both literally and figuratively. “Since we started this band, there has been a shift in my life: I think my lyrics show that," he says. "I’m just trying to put good things out there. It doesn’t take a genius to see what’s wrong with the world and I just want a good out and a good in.”

The band feels that there’s less cohesion and more of a competitive attitude with musicians in Albuquerque. They say they work hard to be an exception to that rule, with their CD release party as a case in point. “This is not a self-gratification kind of thing. It’s an intimate party for old and new friends." Joining the band in the festivities are local bands Anesthesia, Diverje and The Rip Torn.

The Marsupious CD release party is Saturday, June 30, at the Launchpad (21+). Their new album, Stone Baby, is free with the $5 cover to the release party. Make friends with Marsupious at

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