Music News: Laura Marrich’s Last Shout


Laura Marrich
3 min read
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What a world. I started interning at the Alibi six years ago as a culinary student and liberal arts college dropout. My entire work history before that consisted of catering and short-order cooking. The Alibi was my first desk job.

And now look at me! Specifically, take a good look at my embossed name plate and the contemplative clacking-ball desk ornament I just ordered from SkyMall. I’ve earned these white-collar talismans by clawing my way to the top, burning bridges and collecting other business metaphors on the golf course.

… I’m joking, of course. I
am proud of the journalism awards I’ve won for editing the music and food sections in the Alibi . But, honestly, it’s not knickknacks (or U.S. legal tender) that measure success at this paper. It’s people. You guys are the whole point of the Alibi . Your stories fill these pages. You keep us on our toes by telling us what you think of the coverage. You care. And that relationship—the locally owned rag and its longtime readers—is not at all commonplace anymore. So thanks. If you keep sticking around, so will we.

By the way, I’m leaving you.

Just kidding again! I’m staying at the
Alibi , but I am handing over the keys to the Music section. As you can read in Christie Chisholm’s editorial, our editor in chief is leaving the Alibi to pursue a career in independent reporting. And so I’m moving on up to take Chisholm’s place at the helm of the paper.

This issue is my last in charge of the Music section, which I’ve edited every week since the spring of 2005. In that time, I’ve managed to amass band projects and
Alibi job titles like an Alpine snowball rolling down the Matterhorn. Something’s gotta give. So taking my place as music editor is Jessica Cassyle Carr. You know her. She’s been writing for the Alibi , and this section in particular, for years. She’s fantastic. Her music knowledge, sense of humor, fearless interview-hunting and outspoken opinions will be a boon to this part of the paper. My only hope is that she lets me write for it sometimes—and that she gives my bands the favorable press I was ethically unable to give myself as music editor. (Kidding again. She can’t do that, either.) E-mail your hot tips to the new music editor at And wish us both luck.
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