Music To Your Ears

An Interview With The Alibi's Eighth Earwig Playlist Winner

Simon McCormack
2 min read
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Screen Name: ElGuapo

Real Name: Kevin Dermody

Age: 35, Taurus

Winning Earwig mix: drive time

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What’s your day job?

I’m a photojournalist for a local affiliate.

What do you do in your free time?

I’m usually getting lost on long hikes, mountain biking or chained to an Xbox.

What was your first concert?

My first concert that I remember was when I was 12 or 13, and it was Slaughter opening for Poison. It was amazing, except for when a girl punched me in the face to catch the concert shirt that Bret Michaels chucked our way.

Tell us about your fuel-injected, punk and indie rock-riddled playlist.

The playlist is just a bunch of songs I like to play loud, and they usually cause my mind to wander.

Are you a musician of some sort?

I’m a failed musician, and by failed I mean after close to 20 years of playing, I just stopped and sold all my stringed instruments.

Your playlist is designed for car rides. Have you been on any interesting trips lately?

Every long drive in New Mexico is interesting except for maybe that long haul between Farmington and Gallup. That one will make you wish for autopilot or that crazy contraption from "Star Trek." Beam me to Burque, please.

If you had to pick one song from your mix to listen to while you drove the getaway van on a bank robbery, which one would it be?

That’s an easy one. "Where is My Mind" by The Pixies. It just lends itself perfectly to that situation, and it’s an all-time, top-10 favorite of mine.

You picked Social Distortion’s version of "Ring of Fire." What do you think the band does to the Johnny Cash original that makes it so appealing?

Hearing Social D cover Johnny, and to hear them do it their way with an edge, is the ultimate compliment to Mr. Cash. I just wished more bands and artists with balls would cover Cash.

As a winner of the Alibi 's Earwig playlist competition, Kevin wins $10 in his choice of goodies at Charley's 33s and CDs. Visit to hear his mix and make your own.

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