Take “I'm Going to Pull Out and Cry All Over You,” from Les Messieurs' debut, L'estase (Sixgunlover), a lengthy, hyper-stoned, atonal jam that would be virtually unlistenable if not for the ridiculously salacious lyrics and the fact that you pretty much know what you're in for long before that particular track comes up.
Live, Le Messieurs should be wonderfully obnoxious and lovably annoying. Your girlfriend will hate them. If not, you should consider marrying her. … Alibi Fall Crawl 2004 is just around the corner, scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 28. You probably know the drill pretty well by now, but there are a couple of things I should reiterate. First, your band will not get a Crawl slot if you haven't played Downtown previously and made some kind of name for yourself. Each participating club provides a “wish list” of bands they'd like to host, which is generally based on how well a particular club owner knows a band and how well said band draws. Book some shows, promote yourselves and you'll probably get a slot. Second, buy your wristbands in advance and save $5 per. Stay tuned to this column for advance sales locations.