Music To Your Ears

Gwyneth Doland
2 min read
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What are you doing this weekend? Why don’t you come and see a bunch of Alibi staffers getting drunk and disorderly? Doesn’t that sound like fun? This Friday at 9:30 p.m. Burt’s Tiki Lounge we’ll be celebrating the 30th birthday of Alibi‘s beloved Web monkey, Jeremy. It is guaranteed to be a night of rock 'n' roll misbehavior, featuring our friends The Misphats (yes, a Misfits cover band whose members wear terry cloth track suits). Some Alibi staffers’ bands will also play, including Jocko Agency (graphic designer Neal’s trio, formerly known as Atomic Love Medicine), general manager Carl’s band The Ant Farmers, and Young Edward (a bluegrass quartet starring arts and literature editor Steve, and our former editor emeritus, Michael). Jeremy says birthday gifts are A-OK: cash, grass or ass only.

Speaking of birthday parties, don’t forget Beto’s Birthday Bash, Saturday night at Launchpad. A dozen bands plus a ton of great grub, all in honor of longtime employee Albert, aka, Beto. It’s a tradition you shouldn’t miss, especially now that Albert’s going to be a big-time TV star, what with that cowboys-and-Indians mini-series he’s been working on. You’ll be able to say you knew him when!

Speaking of almost famous, Rudy’s Barbecue is looking for a band to star in their next commercial. Remember those old spots with Dem Bones? Well, Rudy’s decided to get some fresh meat on board for a sizzlin’ new music video-style ad. The gig pays only fame, glory and a bunch of gift certificates for pulled pork. They’ll consider any kind of music, but if your band is called Cannibal Colostomy Bag, you probably don’t have the kind of warm and fuzzy family-atmosphere vibe they’re going for. If you’re interested, send mp3s to

And now for a quick change of subject. Are you all following this whole story about Mayor Martin Chavez and all-ages shows? Log on to to see what the fuss is all about, and share your opinions.

Send all of your music news to We want to hear about anything and everything happening with your band, your club, your scene.

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