Music To Your Ears

Laura Marrich
3 min read
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Duuuuuuude– Take a bong hit for our homies! Two Albuquerque bands have been invited to play in The Stoner Hands of Doom, the largest festival of stoner-rock in the Southwest. Devil Riding Shotgun and SuperGiant were selected to appear with more than 40 bands near Phoenix, Ariz., this Labor Day Weekend. Unfortunately, Devil Riding Shotgun won’t be able to attend due to a work scheduling conflict. “It would have been great to go and represent Albuquerque. We’ll just have to wait for the next opportunity and play around town, [which] is great to play in,” says DRS bassist Neb. “Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.” So now it’s down to SuperGiant, who’ll perform alongside the likes of Graves at Sea, Super Heavy Goat Ass, Acid King and Sasquatch. “A lot of bands have gotten discovered at this festival,” says Jeremy, Alibi webmonkey and nimble-fingered lead guitarist of SuperGiant. En route to the festival, SuperGiant will make a pit stop in Flagstaff on Friday, Sept. 1, where they’ll knock the plaster off the Hotel Monte Vista. It’s an unlikely venue, but the venerable old hotel is reputed to be haunted by 10 different ghosts. So that’s kind of rocking. Learn more about the ghosts at Details about the festival can be obtained at the event’s crappy website,

Music To Your Ears

Original Synth— Given its current state of shimmering, Euro-trash sexiness, it’s easy to forget how the electroclash genre got started. Really, we owe it to the nerds.

Before camel toe and platform shoes entered the equation, there were pimply faced boys and computer MIDI sequencers. In their parent’s basements. Cool? Hell no! But it was still badass because they made it themselves.

If you long for the days of DIY dance music (minus the pockmarks), it’s worth investigating Burt’s Tiki Lounge on Saturday, Sept. 2. Two new groups–RAP and The Booty Green—will be there, working hard to get you all sweaty on homemade electro.

In the press release/CDR combo I received (signed–in swirly pink highlighter–by “Dr. Rufus Black DDS, Patron Saint and Disco Motherfucker”), RAP likens their music to Ninja Gaiden, the classic video game series. What you get are lilting, vocoded robo-melodies (à la Daft Punk) over lo-fi beats and blips. Very dancey. The Booty Green takes a big bite out of New Order and sandwiches it with some Bauhaus—a little harder and technologically polished, with lispy, New Romantics-style vocals. Or “like Super Mario in the nude,” as they say. Nice work, you nerds. Get a taste of RAP at and Booty Green at
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