Please Stop The Donations!

An Open Letter From Gig Performance Space In Santa Fe

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Hi Friends,

We are so grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support for GiG Performance Space (1808 Second Street, Suite H, Santa Fe) this holiday season. It has been really been nice to be on the receiving end of all this holiday cheer. And you have our sincere gratitude for supporting more than 200 great performances each year at GiG!

However … we really must ask you to refrain from any more donations at this time. On average, we have been seeing two dozen large, black mailbags per day filled with checks. The post office has been working long hours already and now this happens! We are being forced out of our offices by the sheer volume of checks that are climbing to the ceiling, and we have crashed the servers several times–evidently people are banging the donation button so hard that repetitive stress injuries (GiGinitus) are becoming all too common among GiG supporters. We have hired a technical support team in India to help field all the inquiries. (Just dial 1-800-OUT-SORC.)

It is the same every day. At 7 a.m. when we begin to inform potential donors that we can no longer accept their checks, they begin to stutter and say things like, "Well, what about new chairs? Don’t you need new chairs? Or what about more video equipment for webcasting, or at least let us buy you the new espresso/chai bar for the front room. What about new staff members? Don’t you need to grow your organization? But I absolutely must help you with your endowment fund, dear. Please! You must let us help!" (Not to mention the irate reindeer that have been tap dancing on our roof at all hours!) As you can see, it’s been hell over here. I need to appeal to you all in this time of crisis to kindly refrain from any tax-deductible, 501(c)(3) check writing to:

The Open Arts Foundation

1808 Second Street, Suite H

Santa Fe, N.M. 87505

And if you have any shred of decency left this holiday season you will refrain from any simple, secure online donating at

With your help, we are confident we can work through these growth

pains together.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays,

Bruce Dunlap

Executive Director

Open Arts Foundation

(505) 690-9408
1 2 3 316
