Despite it having been literally decades since the genre’s introduction into New Mexico popular music culture (sometime in the late 1970s or early 1980s), reggae and ska are still very popular in the Duke City. For evidence of that, just think back to the last Big Spank show that went down here in El Duque. Or, for that matter, any number of recent Revíva gigs. And now, apparently, it’s all about that SharkSuit. That’s right, those up beat-playing maniacs in the shark masks (aka Alex Wilhite, Beau Kneaus, Matt Whitley and Nick Anderson) are back on the prowl with a new EP titled “Saturn’s Return.” They’ll be celebrating the release with one heck of a hootenanny at Launchpad (618 Central Ave. SW) on Friday, March 6. Joining them live and onstage will be some of this town’s top rockers, like Crazyfool, Shrewd, Good Green and DJ Buddhafunk. Out of the water, now, swimmers! 8pm • $10-$15 • 21+.