Originally from Santa Fe, singer / songwriter Emma Crane has earnestly delivered her emotive, original material in Burque as Javelina for about three years. She says that in a perfect world, she’d perform songs in her closet or bathtub while staring deeply into just one person’s eyes. Crane set her Mac’s iTunes on random and shares an intriguing five-song mix. Crane organized this week’s Band Lottery: The Show(down) with The Tan gallery curator and musician Andy Lyman. (See feature on page 32.) Javelina’s debut album, Leave Your Heart in This Stupid Little Basket, and a split LP with Denver’s Mariposa, Sister Chromatid, are available as name-your-price downloads on Bandcamp. She’s also been featured on the Daytrotter sessions.
Song Roulette
1) "Let’s Talk About Cars" • Butthole Surfers • ElectriclarrylandThis is not my favorite of the Butthole Surfers. The weird thing is when it comes on unexpectedly and you think there are really French people in your house. “Goodbye paranoia, goodbye sleeves.”
Song Roulette
2) "Stay Here" • Swans • FilthThis song is so brutal. It’s about muscles. Try to listen to it while you’re cooking.
Song Roulette
3) “Polyethylene [Parts 1 & 2]” • Radiohead • Airbag / How Am I Driving?Radiohead is one of my all-time favorites. I think this song is good for when you accidentally stayed up all night and the sun’s coming up. You’ll feel like it’s perfectly normal and maybe even a little glorious.
Song Roulette
4) "Cry For More Fish" • Melt-Banana • Speak Squeak CreakThis [18-second] song is really part of something bigger. Try listening to the whole album while you’re driving. It’s kind of fun.
Song Roulette
5) "A Bureaucratic Desire for Revenge, Part 1" • Earth • Extra-Capsular ExtractionEarth is extremely reliable. This song is great for pondering, especially about really solemn things.