
Jenny Gamble
2 min read
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Tuesday nights in Albuquerque can be unnerving, especially when you are looking for something to do other than watch television or stare into space. But then there is that diamond in the rough, that glimmer of hope, a free show at Burt's Tiki Lounge with great entertainment. I was happily surprised to take time to check out a decent line-up of rock music at Burt's Tuesday, April 12, with local bands Q's Revenge, Dead on Point 5 and Seattle-based band, Murdock.

Q's Revenge opened the night with their newly revised three piece, bass, drums and guitar. There is one thing I will say for these boys, they will never give up the rock star dream, and every time I have watched them perform they give 100 percent, whether there are two people in the room or 200.

Second up was Murdock, from Seattle. Don't be fooled by their rock-a-billy attire, these are hardcore, old school rock enthusiasts all the way, clearly influenced by the Motorhead vibe. They managed to capture the attention of all 15 of us in the room and put on a stellar, performance all the way.

Closing out the night was Dead on Point 5. These guys are definite rock stars, on and off stage, which is what I have grown to love about them. Where else, besides VH1, could you still see an unbuttoned, collared shirt and tight leather pants clad lead singer shouting at you for a solid 45 minutes. Dead on Dom, as he likes to be called, is a guitar solo maniac and has more intensity then a bag of Pop-rocks. He is accompanied by J.R. on drums, Andrew Castellano on bass, and Stue Trory on “surplus” guitar. Castellano impressed me with his heavy hitting bass guitar, never losing a beat and laying it down in a way that was easy to rock out to. Trory manages to maintain a constant stoic expression while ripping out rhythmic licks on his guitar. If you missed Burt's lineup on Tuesday night, you missed out.

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